1 according to the requirements of the drawings to reach the roughness specification.
The 2 single scheduled date processing agreement signed.
3 template model manufacturing based on the need to describe the required color together manufacturing.
The 4 part corresponding to the demand of manufacturing drawings lit, knife lines can not have the machine tool lubrication wall.
5 plastic plan active, and can use when no shortage of goods.
6 templates for the manufacturing of the pre painted personnel to communicate with the template.
7 to describe the product to be sure that the forming technology and processes, will not be difficult to process because of parts and modify the stereotypes.
8 template model can be prepared in advance to prepare, to avoid the rush to think about, the impact period.
9 template in the paint to think about the thickness of the paint is not the same as the requirements specification.
10 template parts processing to think about the rough machining and finish machining allowance, to avoid the appearance of cracking and the table is not the
same heart, the appearance of the product has a processing line.
11. Parts processing before the correct selection, plans after under high temperature, the low temperature changes, Shouban personnel assist planners started to change.
to the template set after the decision to re processing.
Keyword:深圳快速成型公司 深圳钣金加工公司 深圳激光快速成型 深圳手板制作
Links:格瑞模型一呼百应网 高端耳机手板厂 深圳格瑞模型阿里巴巴旺铺 慧聪网商铺 深圳快速成型公司 深圳钣金加工公司 深圳激光快速成型 深圳手板制作